dari mata turun ke hati
tamsilan pekerti
hiasi peribadi
jendela dunia aneka rupa
pelbagai warna
terlihat sketsa pentasan dunia
pancaindera tidak ternilai harga
tiada mata sirna cahaya
tiada lagi redup wajah ayah bonda
pancawarna kian gelap gelita
"buta mata tak nampak jln di dunia kerana tidak ada cahaya.. tidak tahu ke mana hendak dituju ke hilir atau ke hulu.. selamatlah di dunia fana ini kerana mata tidak buta.."
terasa beruntungnya kiter kan sebab kite ada mata (walaupun saya memerlukan bantuan cermin mata utk melihat..heheh..but still guys..ada jugak mata!).

neway, straight to d point, i found this interesting story when i was searching 4 some materials 4 my jurisprudence class with dr. iqbal. it is interesting enough to note that, not only this 'an eye for an eye' principle has been mentioned clearly in the Quran for qisas but this principle has also been mentioned in the Old Testament. (so, apsal plak diorg nak kata Islam ni agama yg kejam kan?xkenal maka xcinta beb..) actually,there are several countries that enforcing qisas such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Iran. however, this issue gained considerable attention in the Western 2009 when Ameneh Bahrami, an Iranian woman was blinded in an acid attack claimed and demanded that her attacker, Majid Emovahedi be blinded as well.
Emohavedi, a fellow student at the University of Tehran threw a bottle of acid in her face in October 2004 after she rejected his love. as a result, Bahrami suffered severe injuries and had undergone 17 surgeries in Spian but remains blind and horrifically disfigured. during the trial, she said that ' I want 2 inflict the same life on him as he inflicted on me' and requested that 20 drops of acid be dropped in his eyes. the punishment was due 2 be carried out on april 15, 2009.
In 'The Guardian' it was reported that:
Testifying in Movahedi's presence, she told the court that she wanted "to inflict the same life on him that he inflicted on me". Asked by the judge if she wanted Movahedi's face to be splashed with acid, she replied: "That is impossible and horrific. Just drip 20 drops of acid in his eyes so he can realise what pain I am undergoing."
Bahrami, an electronics graduate who worked for a medical engineering company before the attack, said Movahedi's family had asked her to marry him several times, but she had refused. Movahedi later threatened to kill her, she said, after saying that he had built his dreams around her.
Moments before the attack, she sensed she was being followed and tried to get away. But Movahedi caught up with her and stepped in front of her, before throwing acid in her face, leaving her screaming in pain.
Movahedi said he decided to attack Bahrami after she told him she had married someone else, and pleaded with him to leave her alone.
"I decided to splash acid on her face so her husband would leave her and I could have her," he told the court. He said he had earlier contemplated suicide.
Asked if he would still be prepared to marry Bahrami despite her injuries, Movahedi replied: "Yes. I love her."
Tehran's deputy public prosecutor, Mahmoud Salarkia, said the publicity surrounding the case would deter future acid attacks. "If this sentence is properly publicised in the media, it will stop the repetition of such incidents," he told the news website Tabnak. "Awareness of the punishment has a huge deterrent effect in stopping social crimes."

p/s: cinta tak boleh dipaksa... lepaskan dia terbang bebas coz andai betul dia yang diciptakan utk kita, dia akan pulang pada kita, cepat atau lambat. andai kita masih mementingkan diri sendiri, itu tidak lagi di namakan cinta..