again... arini serabut and serabai thursday..sejak kebelakangan ni, saya dan kawan2 macam dah xcukup kaki and tangan..semua terkejar2 dengan deadline asgmt, test, hearing and what not... 24jam macam dah xcukup. sementelah exam dah dekat sangat, masing-masing kalau blh nak setelkan semua benda secepat mungkin. kalau berpapasan di jalanan pun, dh xboleh nak lepak lama-lama mcm dulu.. sekadar angkat tangan, hye-hye, bye-bye..
dari pagi sampi la sekarang, baru la ada masa nak rest sekejap. saya baru je abes discussion and edit pleadings dgn my co-counsel. kepala pun dh berdenyut, dh bape hari xcukup tido. tapi nak tido pon xboleh jugak sebab nak kena prepare kes. esok ada hearing. u guys tolong la doakan saya dgn my co-counsel blh win the case. hearing esok, petang after jumaat prayer.. so, another black n white day.. owwhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..
back to d original topic, arini kitorg ada report card day. 2nd time actually.. well, mana de org suka report card day kn? unless budak2 nerd and genius agaknya..hahahahah.. opppps, sorry.. sedih sebenarnya.. subjek ni memang la ok.. tapi yang menjadikan ianya susah sebab authorities.. oleh sebab saya ni seorang yang sangat short term memory, bertambahla susahnya.. i dont want 2 blame anyone, except for myself. its not that i did not trying.. i've tried, yet when it doesnt came out as what i'd expected, there's nothing that i can do except that i should try harder, harder and harder next time. of course i couldn't give up and i WON'T give up. whatever it is... please pray for my success.. sedey ni taw..
p/s i luv u: kenapa saya sangat2 rajin mengupdate blog lately? coz i found that it is a good method to release your stress... ^___^
dari pagi sampi la sekarang, baru la ada masa nak rest sekejap. saya baru je abes discussion and edit pleadings dgn my co-counsel. kepala pun dh berdenyut, dh bape hari xcukup tido. tapi nak tido pon xboleh jugak sebab nak kena prepare kes. esok ada hearing. u guys tolong la doakan saya dgn my co-counsel blh win the case. hearing esok, petang after jumaat prayer.. so, another black n white day.. owwhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..
back to d original topic, arini kitorg ada report card day. 2nd time actually.. well, mana de org suka report card day kn? unless budak2 nerd and genius agaknya..hahahahah.. opppps, sorry.. sedih sebenarnya.. subjek ni memang la ok.. tapi yang menjadikan ianya susah sebab authorities.. oleh sebab saya ni seorang yang sangat short term memory, bertambahla susahnya.. i dont want 2 blame anyone, except for myself. its not that i did not trying.. i've tried, yet when it doesnt came out as what i'd expected, there's nothing that i can do except that i should try harder, harder and harder next time. of course i couldn't give up and i WON'T give up. whatever it is... please pray for my success.. sedey ni taw..
p/s i luv u: kenapa saya sangat2 rajin mengupdate blog lately? coz i found that it is a good method to release your stress... ^___^