Tuesday, September 16, 2008

coz u r special...

you are special in your own way..

Pernahkah anda merasakan bahawa adakala dan ketika anda ingin menjadi orang lain? Anda yakin, anda akan menjadi lebih baik daripada diri anda sekarang. Anda merasakan anda akan bahagia jika keadaan berlaku sebaliknya. Tentu pernah kerana saya juga begitu.

Terlalu banyak yang telah saya lalui sehingga ada kalanya saya terlalu ingin menjadi orang lain. Tapi, bukankah itu menunjukkan bahawa saya sebenarnya seorang pengecut! Saya ingin lari dari masalah yang sepatutnya saya tangani dengan bijak bestari. Mungkin benar, kadangkala beban di hati ini terlalu berat ingin ditanggung sendiri sehingga menyebabkan saya ingin lari menyembunyikan diri di tempat yang sunyi dan sepi. Tapi, dengan menjadi orang lain, masih ada masalah lain yang bakal saya hadapi. Mungkin lebih dasyat dan teruk daripada yang sebelum ini. Allah yang lebih mengetahui...

Fitrah manusia, sering dengki, iri hati dan tidak pernah merasa cukup dengan apa yang ada di hadapan mata. Entah hakikat bahagia bagaimana yang kita mahu agaknya!

A lot of people out there were never happy because they thought it had yet to come. They always wish that someday miracle might happen and carries their worries away. Might be, someday the wind will blew their sorrow. They keep on waiting for the thing that might and might not happen without even trying to appreciate what they already have in their hands. Do you really think it is the right thing to do?

I honestly think the answer is positively ‘NO!’ and it is a wrong thing to do. We do not know what will happen to us in the future. Might be, what we have now is the best thing that happened to us. Do you want to regret later when you learn that things not turn out as what you hope? What happen if things happened not up to your expectation? Would you be able to accept the reality or would you live in misery?

So, learn to live every moment of happiness and never too busy to reach for the future, to receive or to give love. Life does not work like that. Life is not about receiving or giving only. Life must have its give and take. When you accept people as the way they are, people will appreciate you more and they will accept you as the way you are. Of course sometime it is not easy as you think it should be. Mark that in your mind, life is not easy and it will never be!

There are days that nothing goes your way. It is impossible to go through life without trials and struggles being thrown at you. They come when you least expect them; when your guard is down and your defences are weak. They come when you happily strolling down a street and ‘bullets’ start flying at you. You can dodge them all you want but as long as you are alive, they will keep coming from all directions. You cannot always stop dead in your tracks or duck down forever. Sure, you might get wounded, but you just have to bandage the wound and carry on. There is no room for defeat. Or do you want to complaint each time? But it still will not help if you keep complaining. Stand up to it, list all points and put your shoulders to the wheel. You must try harder and never give up or lose hope. Even worries go away.

Of course you always have options. After all, life is a matter of choosing either winning or losing! However, when you choose not to make a choice, you do choose because you choose not to choose.

So, do not keep hanging in the past as it will become longer and longer. Do not dream a lot about your future as it becomes shorter and shorter. But concentrate on the present as the hope in the future is bigger than the regrets for the past. Today is the day. It comes only once as tomorrow is no longer today. Enjoy your life in every possibility to the fullest every day.

Make your life as a house where you heart can live in it, with a door that is open to receive warmth hands of others and a garden full of memories of good things! Be grateful and thankful person. You will enjoy your life. Appreciate all things in your hand. Do not sit quietly and only waiting for the miracles to happen. Believe in yourself. You can create your own miracles! If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way! See your life as an adventure and make it worth it to live in it. Never look back as you will not learn anything. Make your mistakes as a guidance to make you a better person each day.

Therefore, if fate favours you one day and you are asked, what you want to be, do not wish to be someone else because you are great the way you are and of course, you are special in your own way!

Kebahagiaan itu harus dicari dan pastinya ia tidak akan datang bergolek sendiri. Saya inginkan bahagia... Kerana itu, sekalipun saya diberikan tawaran berjuta-juta, saya masih dan akan tetap memilih untuk menjadi diri saya sendiri. Sekalipun saya dilahirkan dengan sejuta kekurangan, sekalipun saya ditakdirkan untuk tidak mempunyai sebarang kelebihan, saya tetap ingin menjadi ‘saya’ kerana saya percaya Allah tahu apa yang terbaik untuk saya. Saya hanya akan menjadi baik dengan kemampuan yang ada pada diri saya sekarang. Saya tidak mahu lari dari hakikat dunia nyata. Saya tidak mahu hidup dalam impian pura-pura yang tidak memberi sebarang makna. Makanya, saya akan berusaha sekuat tenaga dan sepenuh jiwa untuk memberikan yang terbaik pada insan-insan yang berada di sekeliling saya dengan cara saya yang tersendiri pastinya... Doakan saya!

Najmi_qalbi – 8 June 2008, 6p.m

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